06/07/2022: Municipal parking management: from strategy to implementation

The German event will take place on 6 July in Stuttgart, Germany. If you are interested to join the training, please register here.
Municipalities are required to find solutions that have a control effect. These must be adapted to the local conditions. Furthermore, it is necessary to involve all those affected in order to get the necessary support in politics, administration, business and society. The participatory ParkPAD process tested in the European pilot project Park4SUMP offers a low-threshold approach for bringing all those affected into an exchange and agreeing on measures. In Baden-Württemberg, this process is to be widely used.
The city of Freiburg reports on experiences with parking space statutes and parking space management. Based on Bremen's experiences, how the existing street space can be organized and how communication and conflict management can be used is explained using the example of the SUNRISE project.
There is room for an exchange of experiences in three parallel working groups:
- Resident parking and the determination of the fee level
- Reduction of car parking spaces through parking space statutes
- Successfully communicate parking space management