Links to other SUMP initiatives

CIVITAS ELEVATE expands the CIVITAS support activities with a dedicated offer to the current and forthcoming CIVITAS 2020 Innovation Actions (IA), the Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and the CIVINETs. The mission of CIVITAS ELEVATE is to increase the Europe-wide impact of the CIVITAS (R)IA’s on urban mobility policy making and thereby advancing the CIVITAS community to a higher level of knowledge, exchange, impact and sustainability, while guaranteeing essential high-quality support.
On the CIVITAS portal also the SUMP & Urban Mobility related research and living labs projects can be found.

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (ELTIS)
Within this sub-project of the Eltis initiative several documents and good practise examples have been developed and collected. Among others the Sustainable Urban Mobility Guidelines can be download from the website.

EIT Urban Mobility Competence Hub
EIT Urban Mobility is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Since January 2019 EIT has been working to encourage positive changes in the way people move around cities in order to make them more liveable places. EIT aims to become the largest European initiative transforming urban mobility.

e-Smartec (Interreg)
Based on experience, sustainable urban mobility planning cannot be achieved without the commitment of key stakeholders and travellers and given this need, e-smartec proposes accompanying each step of mobility planning with the deployment of targeted marketing techniques for linking bottom-up and top-down decision making.

Dynaxibility4CE (Interreg)
The Dynaxibility4CE, as part of an experimental call from the Interreg Central Europe program, focuses on the priority of low-carbon mobility and air quality. It aims to increase the ability of public transport authorities to deal with new mobility trends. This will be achieved by developing strategies and tools for public (transport) authorities that strengthen the planning capacities of cities throughout the region of Central Europe.

Innova SUMP (Interreg)
The InnovaSUMP project aims at introducing new innovations, enhancements and advances in preparation, elaboration, consultation, adoption, implementation, evaluation and monitoring of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.

CIVITAS PROSPERITY aims to enable and create a culture shift in government agencies and local authorities to support Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). The project focuses on promoting and supporting a broad take-up of SUMPs especially in countries, regions and cities where the take-up is currently low. It aims to achieve this by providing mechanisms and tools for national and regional agencies to take a leading role in the development of SUMPs, and building professional capacity through peer-to-peer exchange programmes and tailor made training programmes on various aspects of SUMPs and/or innovative approaches in sustainable urban mobility.

SUMPs-Up assists planning authorities to overcome the barriers that prevent or make it difficult to implement SUMPs: capacity building, tailored information, and support during development and implementation phases will equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to do so.

REFORM (Integrated REgional Action Plan For Innovative, Sustainable and LOw CaRbon Mobility) supports the implementation and deployment of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) as an instrument for shifting mobility towards low-carbon patterns.

Go-SUMP is targeting the challenges of capitalisation and mainstreaming of projects’ results and solutions for sustainable mobility in the Mediterranean at transnational level, which was obvious during the last programming period of the MED Programme.

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
Within this sub-project of the Eltis initiative several documents and good practise examples have been developed and collected. Among others the Sustainable Urban Mobility Guidelines can be download from this site.