The PARKPAD tool

A real gamechanger in urban parking will be the PARKPAD tool. This is a locally applied audit process that helps cities to review parking policies, achieve consensus on improvements and finally develop an action plan that fits the cities SUMP. The PARKPAD will optimise proven approaches in quality assessment of cycling policies (BYPAD) and SUMPs (QUEST).
You can access the information page about the ParkPad here.
An informed an independent auditor starts with the collection of background information about the overall mobility and parking situation in the city. This information is than matched in a number of local meetings with views of different stakeholders (local elected officials, city administration, user groups, retailers etc.) collected by means of surveys. The auditors works towards a consensus on the appreciation of the state of play of the parking policy and practice in the city, and from that common starting point builds a PARKPAD Action Plan, comprising feasible, accepted parking measures. PARK4SUMP will pilot and refine the PARKPAD methodology in the sixteen PARK4SUMP cities, and prepare this for further deployment during and after the project’s lifetime.
The project is structured in a way that both leading and follower cities can benefit from each other’s in terms of knowledge sharing and best practices examples. They will also benefit from a solid capacity building programme (such as tailored trainings and webinars), outreach and cooperation linkage with the European and international context and policy advice.
Park4SUMP will also do ParkPAD audits in 10 more (external of the consortium) cities.