Fields of Activities

Park4SUMP indentifies 7 measure clusters
Parking management measures are not alone standing. In practice, measures can support or undermine each other. However - when we work on barriers and opportunities - integrated parking management can serve different sustainable mobility objectives.
Parking management implementation activities will be developed and carried out under seven main topic areas:
These have been selected due to their fundamental importance to parking management as an effective tool of sustainable urban mobility planning.
- Extend General Parking Management
- The (earmarked) use of revenues to finance sustainable urban (mobility) measures
- Standards / modifying minimum requirements and introducing maximum allowances
- Enhancing enforcement
- Integration into SUMP
- Technological Innovation
- Accompanying measures & Living labs in neighbourhoods
Brief understanding of the clusters
The extension of parking management is key if more car travellers are to be influenced by priced and/or time and space limited parking.
Enforcement is vital for parking management functioning; standards for parking in new developments can have a big influence on future parking availability and car ownership.
Technological innovation lead to more effective parking management at lower cost.
Earmarking revenues should become a logical cost-benefit element for integration into SUMP.
Accompanying – push & pull - measures can be supportive to behaviour shift.
What will Park4SUMP demonstrate?
Park4SUMP cities will target ànd tailor the implementation of a measure mix to their context: taking into account previous analysis, ParkPAD audit and (peer-to-peer & expert supported) capacity building processes. Overall, there will be a strong emphasis on bringing new insights into the practical transferability of innovative solutions/approaches.
Finally, Park4SUMP demonstrator cities will help to achieve widespread roll-out and transferability by showcasing best practice in parking management and SUMP-integration, and through raising awareness and interest about Park4SUMP strategies in external follower cities.
>> Read more and find some examples of measures on the topic-specific pages