Vitoria Gasteiz: 22/6/2022

The target audience for the training event in Spain is mainly municipal technical staff who work in mobility and traffic engineering, who face parking problems and demands, and who would like to learn more about parking management and include it as a SUMP measure or in other mobility planning instruments. It is also aimed at consultants working for these administrations and staff working in the administration at regional and national level who are in charge of mobility planning and legislation.
9.30 – 10.00 Coffee and registration
10.00 – 10.05 Welcome by the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz
Raimundo Ruiz de Escudero, Councilor of the Department of Mobility and Public Space of the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council
10.05 – 10.30 The Park4SUMP project, the need to incorporate parking management into the SUMP, and the resources produced by the project.
Tom Rye, UIRS, Slovenia
10.30 – 11.00 Innovation in the management of loading and unloading areas and access for loading and unloading in pedestrian areas (including questions and answers)
Jordi Jové, AMB Barcelona
11.00 – 12.00 Pedestrianization and resident parking – including economic factors/business case for providing off-road parking for residents, in the context of low emission zones (including questions and answers)
Josa Arola (Mobilitat Palma de Mallorca) and Manuel Pineda (DOYMO)
12.00 – 12.30 Coffee/snacks
12.30 – 13.00 Parking and charging of electric vehicles in other European cities – online presentation
Gabriela Barrera, POLIS, Belgium
13.00-13.45 Structured reflection in groups on the presentations made – what barriers we find to transfer these experiences to the cities of the participants. What else do you want to know?
Facilitated by Tom Rye
13.45 – 14.20 Parking for shared cars, bicycles and scooters (in a future city without private cars, in the context of low emission zones?)
Miguel Angel Moll, DOYMO
14.20 - 14.50 Presentation of a leading city – Rotterdam (Park4SUMP partner) online presentation
Bastiaan Pigge, City of Rotterdam, Netherlands
14.50 – 15.00 Conclusions and directions for further information and guidance
Tom Rye