
The project’s methodology is built around tailor made advice and support to partner cities. The major methodology’s components are:
- SUMP integration: paving the way towards the integration of innovative parking management within the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMPs)
- Building capacity, particularly among cities that have difficulty in developing and implementing such policies.
- Effective policy transfers from one city to another in order to enhance the exchange of knowledge on best practices on parking management.
- Communicate the benefits of good parking management
- Work with living labs in neighbourhoods to increase the parking management acceptance
Future parking solutions no longer look at old-fashioned infrastructural settings – e.g. expansion of parking areas when the demand is growing. Instead, focus will become more on ‘parking and behaviour’. As such, desired behavioral change can be obtained in different ways, such as by regulations, enforcement, campaigns, nudging & rewarding, like already was shown in the predecessor Push &Pull-project. This way, parking can be integrated in broader urban mobility policy, under the umbrella of SUMP.
The general Park4SUMP concept is to take the very best and innovative parking management examples, contexts and expertise in Europe, profit and learn from these, and transfer them on a large scale and in the best way possible to new cities and new contexts taking into account cultural and legal differences.
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