Freiburg receives the ParkPAD Certificate

Prof. Dr. Martin Haag, alderman for urban development and construction, civil engineering with transportation planning, urban greenery and facility management of the German City of Freiburg i.B. receives the ParkPAD Certificate as representative of the first German City that carried out a Parking Policy Audit.
Martin Haag participated in the audit process actively together with representatives from his authorities, from the Chamber of Commerce and handicraft as well as from the tourism sector with the aim to set up a strategic parking management quality plan.
Even when Freiburg is not a new-comer city regarding parking management there are specific areas and tasks which the city would like to improve, e.g. the extension of controlled parking zones, encouraging people to use the P&R facilities and, most important, to sort out options to reduce parking standards in the new to be build city area of Dietenbach with car-reduced living for approx. 15,000 inhabitants.