Park4SUMP concluded with a final review meeting in Leuven

The final review meeting is the classic capstone of each EU-funded project. Thus, members of the Park4SUMP management committee were invited to the premises of the project coordinator Mobiel21 in Leuven to meet with Thiago Tavares as the responsible European Commission project officer for Park4SUMP. The full-day event included updates of each of the eight work packages with a focus on future exploitation opportunities. The ParkPad audit framework will be used to keep training opportunities for parking management active, as various cities across Europe has indicated interest.
As representative of CINEA, Tavares highlighted the importance of liaising with cities and providing support to tackle their challenges in parking management. Even though the project official concluded in the end of August after a six month extension period, several final communication, dissemination and administrative activities still need to be carried out.
If you want to learn more about the project outcomes, please check our final brochure and the SUMP topic guide on parking management.